Robert Picault Ceramic

Robert Picault Ceramic


Original from: France

Year: 50's or 60's

Description: "Robert Picault (1919 - 2000) was born in Vincennes, Paris and studied at the School of Applied Arts in Paris. After the war he spent a short time teaching drawing and in 1945 he and his schoolfriends Roger Capron and Jean Derval decided to start their own ceramic business. Picault travelled to Golfe Juan on the French Riviera, where he taught and learnt how to produce pottery. In 1946, at the end of World War Two, he moved to Vallauris where, with Roger Capron, he founded the Atelier Callis. Picault was the potter and Capron the decorator, while Derval was the PR person in Paris! The association was short lived and in 1948, Robert Picault set up on his own. He established his own style - producing utility ware in browns, greens and blues using geometric designs of circles, crosses etc. He also produced studio items - large dishes and vases. The company was very successful, employing up to 25 staff in 1955 and selling via large department stores.

He was a friend, colleague and next-door-neighbour to Pablo Picasso, and the two learnt from each other aspects of the other's specialities. Picault was also an accomplished cinematographer and photographer, and made a series of four short films with Picasso and leading show-business personalities of the fifties.

He used copper oxide and iron oxide in his glazes, and the bulk of his work is characterised by green and brown motifs on a white background. Picault died in 2000."

Measures:  Ø 9 cm, height 11 cm, width 16 cm.

Condition: Excellent vintage condition.

Stockist: Porto, Portugal

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